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Cohen, P. (2012, December 18). Arts as antidote for academic Ills. Retrieved from

The information in this article provides two objectives: researchers are provided promising lines of inquiry and a study of the academic effects on the integration of arts in education, and the design of arts education curriculum and instruction with insights that suggest strategies for deepening the arts learning experiences.  Dance, Drama, Multi-Arts, Music, and Visual Arts are included in this examination.    

Chuck Close, American painter and photographer, met with 7th and 8th graders at the Pace Gallery in Chelsea, sharing with them how art saved his life.  In an effort to use the arts to raise academic performance across the board, Close mentors at-risk youth and poverty stricken school communities.  Students, educators, and parents are told to break the rules, and use the limitation to their advantage.  Drive by his own learning disabilities, Close repeated advice that he had often given to young artists: “Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up for work.”

The included studies on this listing highlight the importance of the integration of arts in education.  Each work evidences the importance of the arts and how they can improve students’ education and knowledge development across core curriculum subject areas.  While many schools are cutting back or eliminating their art programs, due to budget contsraits, educators and school community members must realize the demonstrated benefits of an integrated arts education with core subjects. 



Articles.  Educators must continue to learn, staying up-to-date on the foundations of integrating the arts in education and the importance of action research.  Publications by reliable sources, such as the National Endowmnet for the Arts, National Center for Education Statistics, Arts Education Partnership, and Teachers College Press, are noteworthy for their determination in understanding the correlation between the arts and student achievement.


The following list of sources will provide teachers, administrators, and curriculum coordinators access to full-text articles that offer accurate information for integrating the arts in education.

This article shares information about the Everyday Arts for Special Education program.  Developed and administered by the Urban Arts Partnership, this teaching strategy invites working/teaching artists into schools in order to mentor elementary special educators and arts teachers.  Educators learn how to weave the arts into their teaching methods so that they may successfully serve students with the most severe cognitive and behavioral needs.

Online Colleges Staff Writers. (2011, September 6). 10 salient studies on the arts in education. Retrieved from
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