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Students Need Arts Education!




Scope Statement.  By integrating the arts with education, especially the Mathematics and English Language Arts Standards, students have the opportunity to infuse gained knowledge with personal growth and emotional meaning.  Thereby, in activating both hemispheres of the brain, students can learn to be both creative and logical in their critical thinking skills and educational performance.  Educators should guide students in creating a strong connection to information so that they may form a deep conceptual understanding of knowledge in order to progress each school year and succeed in the 21st century.  



My personal and professional information need stems from my support for an all encompassing art program that converges with the educational standards and may be implemented by teachers in each core curriculum classroom. 



This pathfinder has been created in order to provide the educational standards, nonfiction resources and action research, periodicals, multimedia resources, and instructional activities to those teachers, administrators, and curriculum coordinators that support integrating the arts in education.

4 Essential Questions.

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