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A Pathfinder for the Arts

What is a Pathfinder? 


The Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science states that a pathfinder is "designed to lead the user through the process of researching a specific topic, or any topic in a given field or discipline, usually in a systematic, step-by-step way, making use of the best finding tools the library has to offer. Pathfinders may be printed or available online.”


Also referred to as a bibliography, research guide, information portal, resource list or study guide, pathfinders help library users, who may be unfamiliar with a discipline, find materials and understand key sources of information.


The purpose of creating a pathfinder is to gather, in an organized manner, the most useful, relevant, reliable, and authoritative resources on a variety of academic, work-related or general-interest topics.

This pathfinder has been created in order to provide the educational standards, nonfiction resources and action research, periodicals, multimedia resources, and instructional activities to those teachers, administrators, and curriculum coordinators that support integrating the arts in education.

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