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A nonprofit organization, Teaching Channel is a video showcase – on the Internet and TV – of inspiring and effective teaching practices in America's schools.  Focused on revolutionizing how teachers learn, connect, and inspire each other to improve the achievements of all K-12 students across America, the Teaching Channel offers learning resources and opportunities for learning a wide range of topics relating to the integration of arts in education. 


The video library offers educators a wide range of ideas and materials that align with the Common Core State Standards, which may be used across core curriculum subject areas.      

A website for teaching and learning in the arts, ArtsEdge was instituted by the Kennedy Center in order to reach out to schools, communities, individuals, and families.  Offering published materials, classroom support programs, and the instruction of internet technologies, in correlation with the arts in education, this collection of free digital resources serves educators with the How To's and the single-minded goal to support arts-based student learning. 


The Kennedy Center is focused on ways to support innovative teaching with the arts, meet changing trends in education, and accommodate the ever-evolving impact of technology in the 21st century.  Including lesson plans, audio stories, video clips, and interactive online modules, ArtsEdge supports the best practices in educational media and multimedia-supported instruction.

Multimedia Resources


Multimedia.  With the World Wide Web, educators have access to many online resources that provide them with the knowledge to successfully integrate the arts in education while aligning lessons with educational standards.  The Teaching Channel and ArtsEdge understand the importance of the arts in education and offer free resources for teaching and learning in, through, and about the arts.


The following links to websites will provide teachers, administrators, and curriculum coordinators access to a variety of visual resources that offer accurate information for integrating the arts in education.

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